Lawrence J. Johnson | Trade Cloth
8495 7645

Named a 2010 Outstanding Academic Title by Choice magazine! Sixth Century, West: Fulgence of Ruspe, Pope Hormisdas, Rule of the Master, Benedict of Nursia, Pope Vigilius, Cassiodorus, the Liber pontificalis, Synod of Rome (595), Pope Gregory I, Caesarius of ales, Gregory of Tours, Columbanus; Sixth Century, East: Theodore Lector, Dionysius the Pseudo-Areopagite, Evagrius Scholasticus, the Manchester Papyrus; and others.Lawrence J. Johnson is the former executive secretary of the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions and the former editor/director of The Pastoral Press. He has written several books on the liturgy and its music, including The Mystery of Faith: A Study of the Structural Elements of the Order of the Mass.

SKU/ISBN: 9780814662267 Author: Lawrence J. Johnson Publisher: Pueblo Books
Worship in the Early Church: Volume 4: An Anthology of Historical Sources
8495 7645

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