Women of the Gospels: Missionaries of God's Love (Keys to the Bible)
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The gospels portray women as significant and influential members of Jesus' followers. This Bible study presents six examples of women in the gospels—disciples who encountered Jesus and spread his message of love. Sessions focus on Elizabeth, Mary's cousin and the mother of John the Baptist; Anna the prophetess who saw the baby Jesus in the Temple; the women who followed Jesus from Galilee; the mother of the sons of Zebedee; the Samaritan woman at the well; and Mary of Bethany. This study will help you discover how you can better follow Jesus and proclaim his love to the world. Each session provides: the full Scripture text and a short commentary; questions for reflection, discussion, and personal application; and "In the Spotlight" sections featuring wisdom from the saints and the church, root meanings of Greek words, and fascinating historical background.