When The Cherry Trees Blossomed: The Expansion of Opus Dei in Japan
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This book includes a set of unforgettable short stories that offer a fascinating look at Japan, the beginnings of Christian conversion, and the development of Opus Dei in the land of the Rising Sun…. A Buddhist bonze recalls an earthquake that devastated Japan, a sculptor working on a statue of the Holy Family tells about his conversion, a well-known poet of haiku speaks of Japanese culture. People of diverse profiles, both Christian and non-Christian, offer their views on the adventure of faith and the development of Opus Dei in a country where the Christian population remains around 1%. In the early 1960s, a Japanese cardinal requested that Opus Dei begin in Japan, suggesting that the first members should wait until the blooming of the cherry blossoms. And this becomes the metaphor for the growth of Opus Dei in a country with the fourth largest economy in the world. This book is adopted from the original Spanish version of Los cerezos en flor, published by Ediciones Rialp, Madrid.