Johan van Parys | Paperback
1695 1525

What are Vespers? Where have the consecration bells gone? Why do some liturgical ministers vest and others don’t? Blinking sneakers on altar servers, Christmas trees in January . . . what is that all about? These are some of the candid questions that Catholics and others often wonder about the liturgy. In What’s the Smoke For? expert liturgist Johan van Parys offers helpful and engaging answers. Based on church teaching and rooted in sound theology, Johan’s responses invite inquiring minds to continue to think about what is happening in the church and to be engaged in learning more about liturgy and the arts.

SKU/ISBN: 9780814635650 Author: Johan van Parys Publisher: Liturgical Press
What’s the Smoke For?: And Other Burning Questions about the Liturgy
1695 1525

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