Noel Cooper | Paperback
1695 1525

Books abound on the topic of our longing for wholeness, the goal of every person's lifelong journey. But what, exactly, is wholeness? In this volume, Noel Cooper explores the essential elements for successful personal growth, grounding that exploration in the teachings of Jesus. For Christians, the good news is that God reaches into our lives and leads us toward the wholeness, peace of heart, well-being, and happiness that is our deepest yearning.What Makes Us Whole discusses traditional ideas about God, rejecting some and affirming others, and helps us come to know God as the spiritual power who transforms our lives and leads us to wholeness.Noel Cooper is a religious educator who has taught and learned from children, teachers, and parents for almost forty years. His introductory book about the Bible, Language of the Heart, won a Catholic Press Award in 2004. He is the father of three married sons and lives north of Toronto, Ontario.

SKU/ISBN: 9780814632895 Author: Noel Cooper Publisher: Liturgical Press
What Makes Us Whole: Finding God in Contemporary Life
1695 1525

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