Anne Y. Koester, Barbara Searle | Paperback
2495 2245

This collection of essays by the late Mark Searle provides insights for liturgical study and application. Expanding upon theological ideas and visions, Mark Searle's essays combine theory with practice to topics such as pastoral liturgical studies, the nature of liturgy, the operation of sacraments, and the role of culture in the Church. Introductions by current scholars precede each essay and provide background and introductory information.Chapters are: "Serving the Lord with Justice," "Liturgy as Metaphor," "The Pedagogical Function of the Liturgy," "Reflections on Liturgical Reform," "New Tasks, New Methods: The Emergence of Pastoral Liturgical Studies," "Images and Worship," "Infant Baptism Reconsidered," "Private Religion, Individualistic Society, and Common Worship," "Fons Vitae: A Case Study in the Use of Liturgy as a Theological Source," "Marriage Rites as Documents of Faith: Notes for a Theology of Marriage," "Mark Searle: A Chronology 1941-1992," and "Mark Searle: A Bibliography 1966-1995."

SKU/ISBN: 9780814629437 Author: Anne Y. Koester, Barbara Searle Publisher: Liturgical Press Academic
Vision: The Scholarly Contributions of Mark Searle to Liturgical Renewal
2495 2245

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