Terrance W. Klein | Paperback
1295 1165

From magazines like Vanity Fair we learn that celebrities, the stars of stage and screen, suffer just like us. They search for love in the wrong places and right, in character and out. They know loneliness and grief, failure as well as success. And yet, as the title of one chapter in this volume suggests, "everything we need to know about grace we can learn from Audrey Hepburn." As an associate professor of theology at Fordham University, Terrance Klein often brought together the lives of the stars and the Christian life. In this collection of short pieces, drawing from sources as varied as a biography of Princess Diana and a book by Pope Benedict-as well as plenty of profiles in Vanity Fair and The New Yorker-Klein uses the stars of stage and screen to give us insight into our life with Christ. Becoming holy as we learn what it means to be human, we learn it is all about finding the way God has prepared for us.Terrance W. Klein is a priest of the Diocese of Columbus. A former seminary director of spiritual formation, he is an associate professor of theology at Fordham University.

SKU/ISBN: 9780814632208 Author: Terrance W. Klein Publisher: Liturgical Press
Vanity Faith: Searching for Spirituality among the Stars
1295 1165

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