Upbringing: A Discussion Handbook for Parents of Young Children
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By James B. Stenson
Serious needs of today’s parents are not being met effectively. Upbringing addresses the most important of those needs.
- Where are we headed?
- What sort of men and women do we hope our children will grow up to be?
- Are we making progress, and how can we tell?
- What do we have to do now to help our children grow toward responsible adulthood?
Upbringing provides a framework for fruitful discussion of these issues by couples and groups of couples.
Author Bio
James Stenson is a writer and lecturer who has encouraged thousands of couples around the world in the task of raising their children well. Based on his 20 years' experience in education, he has brought out a number of articles in booklets. He has lectured across the US, Canada, Europe and Asia, and a number of his talks have been produced as audio and video tapes. He is a co-founder of The Heights School in suburban Washington DC, and founder and first headmaster of Northridge Preparatory School in suburban Chicago.
ISBN: 9780933932524
Product #: 32524
Size: 5.5x8.5
Format: Paperback
Pages: 176