2006 Catholic Press Association Award Winner!Liturgiam Authenticam, issued by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments in 2001 has provoked much comment, both positive and negative, from many people involved with the liturgy.Translating Tradition reprises a four-part series by Dr. Peter Jeffery, Obl.S.B., that appeared in the journal Worship in 2004. Jeffery conducts a thoughtful and respectful reading of Liturgiam Authenticam, to identify core principles, understand what the document is really saying and relate it to other church teaching.Chapters are The Latin Liturgical Traditions, The Bible in the Roman Rite, "Languages and Cultures," and "Human and Angelic Tongues."Peter Jeffery, OblSB, PhD, is the Scheide Professor of Music History at Princeton University. He is the author of A New Commandment: Toward a Renewed Rite for the Washing of Feet published by Liturgical Press."