Keith F. Pecklers, SJ | Paperback
3995 3596

The Second Vatican Council changed the practice of liturgy. Conciliar developments, however, did not emerge in a vacuum; they were the result of years of hard work that involved thousands of people across the United States and the world.As a social history of the liturgical movement, The Unread Vision introduces readers to the movement's pioneers and promoters and to the issues that emerged from the movement in the U.S. in the years 1926-1955. The Unread Vision explores the foundational years of the movement and its major themes and discusses how the movement, its goals and principles, was received by the broader community of American Catholics.Chapters include The European Roots:1833-1925," "The Beginnings of a Movement: Toward Full and Active Participation in the Liturgy," "The Liturgical Movement and Social Justice," "The Liturgical Movement and Education," and "The Liturgical Movement and the Arts. "Biographies on leading figures of the liturgical movement, as well as histories of related organizations, are also included.Keith F. Pecklers, SJ, is professor of liturgical theology and history at the Pontifical Liturgical Institute, Rome, Italy. He is also the author of "Liturgy from Trent to Vatican II" included in theHandbook of Liturgical Studies published by The Liturgical Press."

SKU/ISBN: 9780814624500 Author: Keith F. Pecklers, SJ Publisher: Liturgical Press
The Unread Vision: The Liturgical Movement in the United States of America 1926-1955
3995 3596

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