Author G.C. Dilsaver writes that the time has come for Catholic families to re-discover true patriarchy - time for Catholic men to accept and fulfill their role as leader and head of their families. The role of Christian manhood, as ordained by God and confirmed by Catholic teaching, is symbolized by three staffs: the Scepter of authority and self -discipline, the Crosier of spiritual stewardship, and the Cross of redemptive suffering.
Christian husbands and fathers are called by God to a familial headship which is not one of old and obsolete dominance over wife and children which rose out of pagan notions of male superiority. Dilsaver promotes a new and untainted patriarchy in which the husband's ultimate authority is rooted in Christ's example of humility and self sacrificing love.
The Three Marks of Manhood can help Christian families realize their identity to the fullest - empowering them to resist the encroachment of secular culture.
Read it and learn how to build a strong and lasting marriage, raise children to become faithful men and women of God, and foster an authentic Catholic culture within your home.
Dr. Gregory C. Dilsaver is a psychologist and the director of Imago Dei Clinics ( He is the developer of Imago Dei Psychotherapy, the first fully integrated Catholic clinical psychology, and author of the groundbreaking book of the same name. Dr. Dilsaver received an advanced theological degree from the Pontifical Institute on Marriage and Family where he was a McGivney Scholar and graduated from the original St. Ignatius Institute at the University of San Francisco where he majored in philosophy and the Great Books.