Louis-Marie Chauvet | Paperback
3495 3146

Why, from its very beginnings, has the Church celebrated the sacraments, in particular baptism and Eucharist? Why, from its origin, has faith in Christ, which is expressed in a human, free, just, loving way of living, ruled by the gospel, also been expressed in the language of rites?The Sacraments by Louis-Marie Chauvet offers reflections on the theology, celebration, and pastoral usage of the sacraments. It is a textbook version of Chauvet's, Symbol and Sacrament published by The Liturgical Press in 1995 that was acclaimed by theologians as offering a fresh theology of the sacraments from a perspective other than scholastic theology.

SKU/ISBN: 9780814661437 Author: Louis-Marie Chauvet Publisher: Pueblo Books
The Sacraments: The Word of God at the Mercy of the Body
3495 3146

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