The composers of Psallite: Sacred Song for Liturgy and Life-Carol Browning, Catherine Christmas, Cyprian Consiglio, OSB Cam, Paul F. Ford, and Paul Inwood-collaborate on an expanded collection of music for the Mass. This multilingual (English, Spanish, Latin) Mass setting is written for congregation, cantor, choir, organ or piano, and guitar. In addition to the typically sung parts of the Mass, this collection offers accessible music for the Sprinkling Rite, the Easter and Pentecost sequences, the Nicene and Apostles' Creeds, and the Berakah Prayer during the Presentation of the Gifts.Contents of The Psallite Mass: At the Tale of the Lord include:01.Penitential Act 1 02.Penitential Act 2 03.04.I Saw Water Flowing 05.Gloria 06. Alleluia (Advent) 07.Lenten Gospel Acclamation 08.Easter Sequence 09. Alleluia (Eastertide) 10.Pentecost Sequence 11.Alleluia (Ordinary Time)12.Nicene Creed 13.Apostles Creed 14.Berakah Prayer 1 15.Berakah Prayer 2 16.Berakah Prayer 3 17.Berakah Prayer 2 and 3 18.Sanctus 19.Mysterium Fidei A 20.Mysterium Fidei B 21.Mysterium Fidei C 22.Doxology and Great Amen 1 23.Doxology and Great Amen 2 24.Sanctus (Latin) 25.Mysterium Fidei A (Latin) 26.Doxology and Great Amen (Latin) 27.Lord's Prayer with Embolism and Acclamation 28.Lord's Prayer with Embolism and Acclamation (Latin) 29.Agnus Dei 1 30.Agnus Dei 2