The New Testament describes the baptized as a holy priesthood and a priestly people. Vatican II clearly taught that the baptized become a holy priesthood. Their personal fidelity and lives led in loving obedience to the Gospel become spiritual sacrifices offered along with the body of the Lord in the Eucharist. The Priesthood of the Faithful explores this key doctrine of Christian faith and examines its significance for the spiritual growth and revitalization of the church. It focuses on the prophetic, pastoral, and priestly roles of the faithful with the aim of helping people experience their own lives as the fruitful blossoming of Christ's grace in the world.Chapters are A Timely Discussion, Chosen To Live, Living, Holy Signs, A Priesthood Embracing Christ's Body, People Who Speak for the Spirit, Hearts Set on the Kingdom of God, Lives Lifted in Praise, An Intentional Symbolic Life. Includes two appendices: Graced Sign and Realized Mystery, and An Open Letter to Religious.