Al Kresta, Hubert van Zeller | Paperback
1395 1186

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In The Mystery of Suffering—a timeless classic first written in 1963—celebrated British Benedictine monk, author, and sculptor Hubert van Zeller (1905-1984) offers an eloquent response to the question of human suffering: Those who endure suffering with hope and trust in Divine Providence will embark on an ever-deeper path to holiness that leads to eternal glory.

Van Zeller believed that those who surrender to the pain and embrace it as a way to identify with the Passion of Christ discover its deeper meaning, replacing fear with trust, resistance with peace, and defeat with the “triumph of grace.”

Features & Benefits: 

    • An enduring classic from a respected Benedictine spiritual master.
    • A Catholic view of the spiritual benefits of trusting in Divine Providence when faced with suffering, a universal human condition.
    • Al Kresta, president of Ave Maria Radio, was deeply impacted by Hubert van Zeller’s book The Mystery of Suffering, which he read while recovering from a serious illness.
SKU/ISBN: 9780870612961 Author: Al Kresta, Hubert van Zeller Publisher: Ave Maria Press
The Mystery of Suffering
1395 1186

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