Michael Kwatera OSB | Paperback
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The Ministry of Servers is a simple and concise, yet comprehensive guide for altar servers and their instructors. Well organized with helpful line drawings, this book will be easily understood by children who fulfill this essential ministry to God and God's people.Chapters are: Introduction, Preparing to Serve Mass," *Postures at Mass, - *Directions for Serving Mass, - *Special Directions for Serving Funerals, - *Special Directions for Serving Weddings, - *Directions for Serving the Way of the Cross, - *Serving at Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, - *Investiture Ceremony, - *Pope John Paul II Speaks to Altar Servers, - *When to Stand, Sit, and Kneel at Mass, - and *My Substitutes to Serve. -Fr. Michael Kwatera, OSB, PhD, is director of Oblates for Saint John's Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota. He's a teacher and practitioner of Christian liturgy and the author of several Liturgical Press books, including Come to the Feast: Liturgical Ministry of, by, and for Everybody."

SKU/ISBN: 9780814629598 Author: Michael Kwatera OSB Publisher: Liturgical Press
The Ministry Of Servers: Second Edition
595 417

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