Joyce Ann Zimmerman, CPPS | Paperback
395 375

Contemporary and complete, The Ministry of Liturgical Environment considers the physical location of our worship, from assembly seating, color usage, and liturgical accouterments to ministers' and assembly's dress. Zimmerman offers a useful, practical guide for those preparing an inviting sacred space that reflects and enhances the community's valued principles.Includes: Introduction, The Liturgical Environment," *A Journey Through Space, - *Things Used for Liturgy, - *Aesthetics of Sacred Space, - *A Spirituality for Ministers of the Liturgical Environment, - *Responsibilities of Ministers of the Liturgical Environment, - *Enhancing the Environment for Liturgical Seasons and Occasions, - and Concluding Thoughts.Joyce Ann Zimmerman, CPPS, PhD, STD is the founding director of the Institute for Liturgical Ministry in Dayton, Ohio, the founding editor and columnist for Liturgical Ministry, and co-editor of Living Liturgy. She is an adjunct professor of liturgy; a liturgical consultant; and frequent facilitator of workshops and days of recollection on liturgy, spirituality, and other related topics. She is the author of numerous books and articles on liturgy and spirituality, including Pray without Ceasing: Prayer for Morning and Evening and Liturgy and Hermeneutics, published by Liturgical Press."

SKU/ISBN: 9780814627051 Author: Joyce Ann Zimmerman, CPPS Publisher: Liturgical Press
The Ministry Of Liturgical Environment
395 375

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