The Ministry Of Communion: Second Edition
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The Ministry of Communion offers practical advice and vital theology for Eucharistic ministers. Updated with the latest liturgical laws and norms, and with an expanded section on leading Communion services, this book is an excellent guide for both those who serve God's people, and those who help them prepare for the ministry.Contents are Being and Giving the Body of Christ: a life of Ministry," *Being and Giving the Body of Christ: Practical Suggestions, - *Ministry of Communion Within the Assembly: Sharing the Bread, - *Ministry of Communion Within the Assembly: Sharing the Cup, - *Ministry of Communion to the Sick and Homebound, - *Holy Communion Outside Mass, - *Looking for the Perfect Eucharistic Minister, - and *Act of Personal Recommitment for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. -Fr. Michael Kwatera, OSB, PhD, is director of Oblates for Saint John's Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota. He's a teacher and practitioner of Christian liturgy and the author of several Liturgical Press books, including Come to the Feast: Liturgical Ministry of, by, and for Everybody."