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Like many Popes before him, Pope Benedict XVI grew up in modest circumstances. His devout family life fostered a piety that never left him, while his intelligence combined with his faith led him to see deeply into the controversies of the 20th century and find God as the ultimate answer.

Mariano Fazio brings to light the early influences on Joseph Ratzinger—his strongly Catholic upbringing, the surrounding confusion in pre-war, Nazi-dominated Germany, and his lifelong effort to explain and correct the intellectual errors that still plague the Catholic Church.

Here we see a man whose combined faith and reason presents a clear insight and judgement of what was going wrong in the Catholic Church, and what was needed to restore it.

Author Bio

Mariano Fazio currently serves as the auxiliary vicar of Opus Dei and lives in Rome. Born in 1960, he studied history at the University of Buenos Aires, and received a doctorate in philosophy from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, where he later became rector from 2002 to 2008. Subsequently he became the regional vicar of Opus Dei for Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia until 2014.  Pope St. John Paul II ordained him as a priest in 1991.  Of his 20 books, four are available in English from Scepter:  Pope Francis: Keys to his Thought, A History of Modern Philosophy, A History of Contemporary Philosophy, and Last of the Romantics: St. Josemaría in the Twenty-First Century.


ISBN: 9781594175008

Product #: 75008

Size: 5.5 x 8.5

Format: Paperback

Pages: 128

SKU/ISBN: 9781594175008 Publisher: Scepter Publishers
The Legacy of Benedict XVI
1295 1165

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