Rev. Fr. Joseph Schryvers C.SS.R. | Paperback
1595 1435

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The Gift of Oneself will be for many a fresh; new approach to spirituality - an appeal to generous souls to offer themselves to God as a gift that is at once fitting - since He has given us all we are and have - and complete; for we thereby hold back nothing for ourselves. And in return; Almighty God in a special way concerns Himself with the sanctification of our souls and the care of our temporal needs. Jesus will work wonders in a soul so given over to Him; for He is the best of all spiritual directors; and He knows exactly the place in the Mystical Body that a consecrated soul should occupy. This gift of oneself to God is easy; for all we have to do is love Him. In return for the gift of oneself; God responds by giving Himself. What more could we want or need? Those who read this book derive a great feeling of peace and security from it. The Gift of Oneself will be a surprise and a delight to those generous souls who are ready to embark upon a secure and rewarding spiritual life!

SKU/ISBN: 9780895558336 Author: Rev. Fr. Joseph Schryvers C.SS.R. Publisher: St. Benedict Press / TAN Books
The Gift of Oneself
1595 1435

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