Nancy McDarby | Trade Cloth
1999 1799

Bible study is more interesting and exciting when you have clear and accessible information in hand. With The Collegeville Bible Handbook that is exactly what you receive a valuable enrichment resource to guide you through the books of the Bible and a ready reference for libraries, high school classroom use, families, and individuals seeking a lively, readable introduction to the Bible.The brief commentary on each book of the Old and New Testaments and the full-color timelines, maps, and illustrations that pertain to biblical lands and peoples are helpful to both beginning and continuing students of the Bible.As a condensed edition of the bestselling The Collegeville Bible Commentary, The Collegeville Bible Handbook is a reliable guide to the Word of God. Here, readers come to know the Bible, the times in which the books were written, what the Bible said to the people for whom the books were written, and what the Bible says to us about the work of God in our midst.A short introduction summarizes the scope of each book of the Bible, the period the book spans, its authorship, and purposes. A digest in outline form details the message of each commentary. Headings serve as a point of reference for locating passages between the Handbook and the Bible. Each commentary is further divided into parts that explain specific accounts within the chapter.Attractively illustrated with photographs and maps pertinent to the biblical text, The Collegeville Bible Handbook acquaints readers with important biblical sites and territories.Condensed by editor Nancy McDarby from the scholarship of The Collegeville Bible Commentary's contributors: Daniel J. Harrington, SJ; Philip A. Van Linden, CM; Jerome Kodell, OSB; Neal M. Flanagan, OSM; William S. Kurz, SJ; John J. Pilch; Mary Ann Getty; Ivan Havener, OSB; Jerome H. Neyrey, SJ; George W. MacRae, SJ; Pheme Perkins; Dianne Bergant, CSA; Pauline A. Viviano; John F. Craghan; Wayne A. Turner; Helen Kenik Mainelli; Leslie J. Hoppe, OFM; John A. Grindel, CM; Paula J. Bowes; Alice L. Laffey; Rita J. Burns; Alphonse P. Spilly, CPPS.; John J. Collins; Peter F. Ellis; Carroll Stuhlmueller, CP; Toni Craven; Mary Margaret Pazdan, OP; Lawrence E. Boadt, CSP; Michael D. Guinan, OFM; John E. Rybolt, CM; Richard J. Clifford, SJ; James A. Fischer, CM; and Irene Nowell, OSB ·Every Bible book is introduced. ·The background to each is fully explained. ·Full-color maps and pictures help make the meaning clearer. ·A digest in outline form details the message of each book and its commentary and includes a survey of its contents. ·Headings call out main sections of the Bible and commentary text. ·A full index makes this an ideal reference book. ·Ease-binding allows the volume to lay open without assistance. ·The New American Bible translation is followed for Scripture quotes and headings

SKU/ISBN: 9780814623763 Author: Nancy McDarby Publisher: Liturgical Press
The Collegeville Bible Handbook
1999 1799

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