Franklin McMahon, John Shea, Mark McMahon | Trade Cloth
1995 1795

Christmas is unavoidable. But if it is going to happen for us, we need to take time. We need to slow down and do something out of the ordinary, something that has to do with the spiritual meaning of the feast and the season. Reading the Christmas poems of Seeing Haloes is one way of doing this. John Shea hopes that each poem strikes a chord and brings us into memories we may have forgotten and present experiences we may have overlooked. When this happens, the Spirit arrives to illumine our minds, inspire our wills, and gladden our hearts. Christmas happens.

SKU/ISBN: 9780814645598 Author: Franklin McMahon, John Shea, Mark McMahon Publisher: Liturgical Press
Seeing Haloes: Christmas Poems to Open the Heart
1995 1795

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