Alison M. Benders | Paperback
1295 1165

In 2018, for the first time in nearly forty years, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops published a pastoral letter against racism. Open Wide Our Hearts is a call to a humble and expansive love that respects human dignity and unites us all in Christ. Now, in Reading, Praying, LivingThe US Bishops' Open Wide Our Hearts, Alison Benders offers a resource designed to help parishes, RCIA programs, campus ministries, and Catholic readers unpack and grapple with this important document.Benders provides background on the social doctrine that grounds the document, describes why it’s so timely, and offers a plan for studying the letter, personally or as a group. In an engaging and accessible way, she walks readers through the scriptural, theological, and moral guidance needed to form our consciences and convert our hearts. And because the work of racial healing is a journey, not an event, each section of the guide also includes questions for personal reflection and attentive discussion and prayers for spiritual renewal or reconciliation.

SKU/ISBN: 9780814665015 Author: Alison M. Benders Publisher: Liturgical Press
Reading, Praying, Living The US Bishops' Open Wide Our Hearts: A Faith Formation Guide
1295 1165

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