Archbishop Rembert G. Wealand, OSB, Philip A. Verhalen | Paperback
2495 2245

We know that prayer should be like breathing - just a normal part of our daily lives. Yet, like the first disciples who asked Jesus how to pray, we need help and so do our youth. Prayers for the Classroom provides that help with structured daily communal prayers, particularly for private school teachers who want to begin class with a prayer. In keeping with the seasons, these community prayers enrich the liturgical spirit of every part of the academic year.Prayers for the Classroom incorporates the needs of the group and the social and individual character of each participant, and helps youth learn how to pray with others as well as on their own. These prayers are universal, tried and tested, touching hearts in a personal way.Celebrating diverse cultural origins, Prayers for the Classroom draws on a variety of sources, including expressions of East and West, women and men, youth and sages, biblical and non-biblical beliefs.A simple resource that encourages consistent use, Prayers for the Classroom can be used as a daily program or as an occasional prayer resource; the collection is arranged and indexed by themes so that it can be used easily either way. The format is easy to follow: it is divided into the months of the school year from September through June, with each month divided into four weeks with five distinctive prayers for each week.

SKU/ISBN: 9780814664063 Author: Archbishop Rembert G. Wealand, OSB, Philip A. Verhalen Publisher: Liturgical Press
Prayers For The Classroom
2495 2245

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