Archbishop Michael Louis Fitzgerald, Mary Margaret Funk, OSB, Zeki Saritoprak | Paperback
1695 1525

Christians and Muslims both have an abundance of names for God. The Bible provides Christians with a rich array of names for God, and the ninety-nine Names that Islam gives traditionally to God are drawn from the Qur’an. Praise the Name of the Lord is an offering of texts, from the Qur’an and Bible, meant to lead to meditation and prayer. To pray starting from the texts of another religion can help us to acquire a better appreciation of that religion. It is possible that we will find different echoes that can capture our attention and may nourish our prayer, encouraging dialogue with the persons among whom we are living.

SKU/ISBN: 9780814645727 Author: Archbishop Michael Louis Fitzgerald, Mary Margaret Funk, OSB, Zeki Saritoprak Publisher: Liturgical Press
Praise the Name of the Lord: Meditations on the Names of God in the Qur’an and the Bible
1695 1525

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