Ministry That Transforms: A Contemplative Process of Theological Reflection
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Ministry is transformative action. As Christians, when we do something in service—engaging the needs of our sister and brothers in the name of Jesus Christ—we minister for the reign of God. The Romero House volunteers, whose narratives undergird this volume, actively construct a theology of ministry while undergoing a powerful sense of personal transformation. In Ministry That Transforms, Kathleen McAlpin: ·Showcases the Romero House group and her program of Integration for Ministry that provides adult education and ministry formation ·Lays out a transformative Contemplative Theological Reflection Process leading to conversion, contemplation, and holiness through practice and dialogue ·Enlists Scripture, social justice concerns, and a cast of critical thinkers in the theology of ministry Anyone involved in ministry—whether in formation programs, in parishes, or in social justice activities—will welcome this creative, process-oriented framework for ministerial theology and faith development, a framework that is firmly grounded in the minister’s grassroots experience.