Ours is a culture steeped in media and technology, a fact that fascinates some and frightens others. Because media permeates every aspect of our lives, church leaders would do well to discern when and how it might be appropriately used in liturgical settings. In Liturgical Art for a Media Culture Eileen Crowley provides a powerful aid in that discernment process. By first addressing such basics as the vocabulary and historical context of media in Christian worship, Crowley helps to ease readers ' fears.By looking honestly at the perils and possibilities of media in worship 'and by giving readers both a framework for evaluating and a model for implementing media in worship 'Crowley guides the reader's fascination with media into channels appropriate for worship. This is a timely source for those who wish to use media and technology as a way to vitalize, yet not obstruct, worship and liturgy.Eileen D. Crowley, PhD, is assistant professor of Word and Worship at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago.