J. Michael Thompson, Schola Cantorum of St. Peter's-in-the-Loop Church Chicago | Compact Disc
1695 1525

Taking its name from Pope John Paul II's letter(Orientale Lumen), Light from the East is a diverse recording. As a complement to the Schola's previous recording of There is Great Rejoicing: Carols of Central and Eastern Europe, these carols represent Polish, Croatian, Ukrainian/Carpatho-Rusyn, Slovak, Hungarian, Latvian, Russian, Czech, Moravian, Slovenian, and Romanian traditions.The vivid faith and lovely melodies recorded on Light from the East offer even more reason to raise our voices in praise of the God who sent his only Son to the world.Selections are To the Whole World Organ Improvisation on To the Whole World" Christians Gather Round Organ Improvisation on "Christians Gather Round" Christmas Night Christmas Day O'er the Earth Shepherding Their Sheep Come, Shepherds, to the Stale Shepherds of Bethlehem There's a Savior Born to Us The Christmas Rose Born to Us is Christ the God-Man Organ Improvisation on"Born to Us Is Christ the God-Man" Tenderly Mary Sings Shepherds, Loyal Shepherds Rise Up, Beth'lem Shepherds, Rise! Strings Celestial Fantasy on Rajske Strune Shepherds, Do Not Be Frightened Organ Improvisation on "Shepherds, Do Not Be Frightened" At the Gates of Heaven AboveAlso available for download on Amazon and iTunes.J. Michael Thompson is the director of music ministry at St. Peter's Church, where he is the founder and director of the Schola Cantorum. He has been a pastoral musician and liturgist for twenty years, as well as a composer, author, and a noted promoter of the Liturgy of the Hours and Gregorian chant in contemporary parish situations."

SKU/ISBN: 9780814679333 Author: J. Michael Thompson, Schola Cantorum of St. Peter's-in-the-Loop Church Chicago Publisher: Liturgical Press
Light from the East: Carols from Central and Eastern Europe II
1695 1525

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