Donald Jackson | Trade Cloth
7995 7195

After more than twelve years, the creation of The Saint John's Bible has reached its remarkable conclusion. Renowned calligrapher and illuminator Donald Jackson has collaborated with scribes, artists, and theologians to hand- create, with stunning lettering and exquisite illustrations, the entire Bible. The complete project spans seven volumes in published form.Letters and Revelation is the final volume of the entire monumental project. It includes some of the most crucial works of all the Christian Scriptures: epistles traditionally attributed to Paul, John, Peter, James, and Jude, and the fascinating book of Revelation. Donald Jackson's artistic vision lends them a new life and vibrancy for modern readers.Letters and Revelation contains more than thirty illuminations and special text treatments. Among the stunning illuminations: And Every Tongue Should Confess (Philippians 2:5-11) includes the word "Lord" painted in gold in fourteen different languages: Armenian, Chinese, Coptic, Greek, English, French, Ge'ez (Ethiopian), German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Vietnamese Letter to the Seven Churches with the Heavenly Choir (Revelation 2:1-5:14), includes crosses representing several different Christian traditions and the words "Holy, Holy, Holy" written in Greek, Ge'ez (Ethiopian), and Latin The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Revelation 6:1-8) depicts unsettling symbols of power, greed, and exploitation-military tanks, oil rigs, and nuclear power. Written and drawn entirely by hand using quills and paints hand-ground from precious minerals and stones-such as lapis lazuli, malachite, silver, and 24-karat gold- The Saint John's Bible celebrates the tradition of medieval manuscripts while embracing twenty-first-century technology to facilitate the design process and collaboration between Saint John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota, and Donald Jackson's scriptorium in Wales.

SKU/ISBN: 9780814690574 Author: Donald Jackson Publisher: The Saint John's Bible
Letters and Revelation
7995 7195

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