Let's Talk (book 3): Resting, Forgiving, Being Free, and More
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A full, authentic life—that’s every teen’s desire, and every teen’s right. That’s the message of Let’s Talk, a new catechetical program specifically designed for 9th–12th grade teens.
Also available in eBook
Developed by an experienced religious educator and youth minister, Let’s Talk answers the need for a comprehensive and engaging overview of Catholic doctrine, specifically designed for parish youth ministry and following the framework of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Rather than a lecture, Let’s Talk is an invitation to a lively, life-changing conversation between teens and their peers, parents, and teachers about the deep truths that give meaning and direction to everyday choices. Teens will find straightforward answers not just in the text but in debate and discussion with each other—a method of learning that will last a lifetime.
In four easy-to-use workbooks, Let’s Talk offers:
- 32 guided discussions on topics that matter most to teens—friends, family, health, sex, relationships, education, career choices, financial planning, just having fun, and more!
- Direct references to Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church to provide a solid foundation
- Easy-to-follow, systematic format to keep discussions productive
- Conversation-starters that relate the truths of the Faith to everyday life
- A “Bringing It Home” challenge to encourage teens to continue the conversation at home with their parents
- A helpful answer section at the end of each workbook
- The opportunity to form positive peer relationships through sharing and dialogue
Ken Ogorek interviewed on Catholic Radio Indy's 'Faith in Action' program speaking about YOUCAT, the NEW Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church and a book he has written entitled Let's Talk... both are geared to help teens learn about the Catholic Faith.
The Criterion Online Edition, Archdiocese of Indianapolis By Sean Gallagher
A few years ago, Isabella Crume was set to begin teaching a religious education class for high school students at St. Louis Parish in Batesville. She wanted a resource to use in the class that would present the teachings of the Church clearly and accurately, but in a format that would engage her teenage students. (more...)
About the Author:
Ken Ogorek is the Director of Catechesis for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, and has given numerous presentations to a variety of Catholic conferences and workshops throughout the country. For over 15 years Ken has been involved with religious education in nearly all its facets. Having earned a masters degree from the Pontifical Center for Catechetical Studies, he serves as an archdiocesan staff person while authoring religious education resources for a broad range of age groups. In April 2007, he gave a workshop called Families, Faith and the Home: Practical Help for the Domestic Church, at the annual meeting of the National Catholic Education Association. He has also spoken at the St. John Bosco Conference, National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, National Conference for Catechetical Leadership (roundtable presentation), as well as numerous diocesan events across the country. Raised in South Bend, Indiana, Ken recently moved to Indianapolis from the Diocese of Pittsburgh, with his wife Melissa of 15 years and their three children.