Carol Leitschuh, Lynn Trapp | Paperback
695 660

The prayer life of the liturgical choir is essential to its ministry. The rhythm and outline of the choir's rehearsal reflect its depth of music making and experience of God. This resource combines the key components of the choir minister 'song, Scripture, prayer, reflection, and vocal pedagogy 'to enhance the work of the group, providing a sacred context in which all rehearsal takes place. Short musical refrains of original composition are easily learned and memorized through specific vocal pedagogy, building technique. These refrains also articulate the text of the prayers, authored to inspire the sense of our connection with God through music. Scripture passages and reflection questions invite choirs to broaden their musical perspective with heightened expression and deepened community. Choir directors and singers will have the necessary elements to frame the choir's gathering with the true purpose of their work 'the praise of God in song and word.

SKU/ISBN: 9780814630877 Author: Carol Leitschuh, Lynn Trapp Publisher: Liturgical Press
In Harmony with God: Choral Prayer and Preparation Choir Member Edition
695 660

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