David Regan, SCCp | Paperback
1195 1075

Fourth century Christian Fathers put experience of the mystery ahead of learning doctrine. The early bishops borrowed from the mystery religions of Greece and Rome the language and techniques of "mystagogy" leading candidates into an experience of the mystery and made this central to Christian initiation. This book narrates the ancient history of mystagogy and its timid revival in the Order for the Christian Initiation of Adults and makes a strong case for granting it a major pastoral role today.David Regan shows that mystagogy is relevant to all areas of the Church, especially liturgy, religious formation, and inculturation. He explores the heart of the Christian mystery, explains the pastoral and spiritual importance of mystagogy, and demonstrates the relevance of mystagogy to contemporary Christianity.

SKU/ISBN: 9780814623282 Author: David Regan, SCCp Publisher: Liturgical Press
Experience the Mystery: Pastoral Possibilities for Christian Mystagogy
1195 1075

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