Mediante un atractivo texto e ilustraciones artísticas realizadas por ordenador, Esta es nuestra Iglesia presenta a los niños las partes significativas de una iglesia Católica y los objetos utilizados en el culto.Capítulos son "Nuestra Iglesia," "Las Puertas," "El Atrio," "La Fuente Bautismal," "El Lugar de Culto," "El Altar," "La Sede del Presbítero," "El Ambón," "El Lugar para los úsicos," "El lugar de los óleos sagrados," "El Vía Crucis," "Los Cuartos de Reconciliación," "Estatuas e Imágenes," "La acristía," "La Capilla para la reserva de la Santísima Eucararistía."Through engaging Spanish text and artful computer illustrations, Esta es nuestra Iglesia introduces children to the significant parts of a Catholic church and the objects used in worship.Chapters are "Our Church," "The Doors," "The Atrium," "The Baptistry," "The Worship Space," "The Altar," "The Presider's Chair," "The Ambo," "The Music Center," "The Ambry," ";The Stations of the Cross," "The Reconciliation Rooms," "Statues and Images," "The Sacristy," and "The Blessed Sacrament Chapel."Monseñor James A. Comiskey, rector emérito de la Catedral de Cristo Rey de Lubboc, Tejas, es un miembro fundador de la Conferencia Litúrgica del Suroeste. The Liturgical Press también ha publicado su The Ministry of Hospitality, El ministerio de la hospitalidad, y This Is Our Church.Msgr. James A. Comiskey, rector emeritus of Christ the King Cathedral in Lubbock, Texas, is a founding member of the Southwest Liturgical Conference. His other publications for the Liturgical Press include The Ministry of Hospitality, El ministerio de la hospitalidad, and This Is Our Church.