Every Christian needs spiritual direction," writes Peter Frick. Regular prayer and meditation help to shape a healthy Christian life. While noting that Dietrich Bonhoeffer was more than a spiritual mentor, Frick utilizes his words to shape reflections that will guide readers deeper into the heart of meditation. Bonhoeffers prayers read like a contemporary psalter: they are praise, lament, wisdom. In these pages, readers are invited to contemplate silence, community, solitude, truth, grace, sin, worldliness, and eternity, and are encouraged to open their hearts to meditation.Peter Frick is associate professor and academic dean at St. Paul's College. He teaches a variety of subjects, including courses in Western religions, theology, and biblical studies. Frick recently published A Handbook of New Testament Greek Grammar (2007) and edited Bonhoeffer's Intellectual Formation (2008). Frick is a member of the international Bonhoeffer Society and a member of the editorial board responsible for the publication of the new standard edition of the Bonhoeffer works. His main interest lies in the intersection of philosophy and theology, both in ancient and modern times."