Dra. Blanca Sanchez Gil, Pbro. Jose del Carmen Cervantes Contreras | Paperback
1495 1345

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El Concilio Vaticano II define laliturgia Como la accion sagrada por excelencia, manantial y cumbre...", por ello se subraya su importancia y la urgencia de una Formacion mas solida. La Comision Diocesana de Liturgia de la Arquidiocesis de Morelia presenta este curso basico que sin duda sera de gran utilidadpara quienes forman parte de los equipos de Liturgia.The Vatican Council II defines the Liturgy as "the sacred action par excellence, spring and summit...", by which it underlines its importance and the urgency of a more solid formation. The Diocesan Commission on the Liturgy of the Archdiocese of Morelia presents this basic course, which without a doubt will be of great use to those who form part of liturgical teams.Este ta­tulo disponible solamente en Espanol./This book is written in Spanish only.

SKU/ISBN: 9780814641101 Author: Dra. Blanca Sanchez Gil, Pbro. Jose del Carmen Cervantes Contreras Publisher: Liturgical Press
Curso Basico De Liturgia: desde la Eucaristia
1495 1345

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