Christ Lives (Christus Vivit) [apostolic exhortation on young people]
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A study guide is included for individual reflection and small group discussion.
Everyone who cares about the future of the Church needs to read Pope Francis’ new letter!
“Get involved! Jesus was not a bystander. He got involved. Don’t stand aloof, but immerse yourselves in the reality of life, as Jesus did.”
A response to the Synod on Young People, Christ Lives is a passionate call for every Christian to embrace their role in the Church, to bring the gospel everywhere, and to meet young people where they are. From a Scriptural overview of how God views youth to inspiration from the saints to practical advice, Christ Lives is a timely commentary that will help you look back on your own experience of being young, enable you to assess your understanding of today’s youth, and equip you with tools to help the Church become a welcoming place for young people and a beacon of hope to the world.