Build Your House Upon Rock
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Build Your House Upon Rock shows how a happy and holy marriage demands more than attraction or affection. It demands God’s expectations—high expectations! This Bible study lays out a formula for a great Catholic marriage rooted in God. You’ll learn what God says a good marriage requires. You’ll get challenged to reflect on your own ideas of marriage, faith, and virtue. You’ll uncover the hopes and fears that can help and hinder your marriage. You’ll discover how marriage is a vocation, a path to holiness, a path to God. You’ll prepare to receive grace, courage, and determination to live this most sacred commitment. You’ll be a model for individuals and couples discerning or preparing for marriage, and married couples looking to enrich their marriage. You’ll meet God’s high expectations for marriage—and the rewards that come along with them!
About the Author
Nancy Humes is a wife, mother, and grandmother who has a great love for the Catholic Church and Sacred Scripture. She taught religious education for many years and also gave numerous presentations in religious classes at the Catholic high school her children attended. She is the author of A Lamp for my Feet and a Light for My Path.