This is the inspiring story of the famous Father Miguel Pro who was executed in Mexico in 1927 for the crime of being a Catholic priest. This young Jesuit spent most of his short life in the priesthood dodging the Mexican police as he ministered to the underground Church during the Mexican Revolution. Fr Pro's quick wit and keen sense of humor were put to good use as he pedaled around Mexico City on his bicycle in various disguises, en route to administering the Sacraments, giving spiritual talks or begging food and money for the poor. But behind the disguises beat the heart of a Saint - as the Mexican people testified by turning out in throngs to pay their last respects after his martyrdom. Fr Pro offered his life for the Catholic Faith and his last words on this earth were: "Viva Cristo Rey" - Long live Christ the King! Blessed Miguel Pro makes history come alive and highlights the dramatic conflict between the Church and her enemies that continues even to this day. Every member of the family will be delighted by this fast-paced true story of a modern Catholic hero who proclaimed both in life and death the reign of Christ the King.
Ann Ball is a mother of two as well as a teacher of English and agriculture at Marian Christian High School. She has also worked as a private investigator, though writing is her hobby. She spent ten years researching the lives of the saints for her large work Modern Saints, and she possesses a considerable amount of files containing information on them. Mrs. Ball holds a B.S. from the University of Houston in education, and is the author of a biography on Blessed Miguel Pro. She leaves her readers with the following words concerning her active life: "Being a mother and a teacher are my vocations; security is my job. I love all three, and also my hobby of writing."