Rev. Fr. George Johnson, Ph.D. & Rev. Fr. Jerome D. Hannan, Ph.D., J.C.D. & Sr. M. Dominica, O.S.U., Ph.D. | Paperback
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In our opinion, this is the best Bible History ever! It contains Study Questions for each chapter, 23 maps, 165 enthralling pictures (which alone are worth the price of the book), side notes on every page, a wonderful Index and Pronouncing Vocabulary, plus wording that sixth to eigth grade students can easily handle. We give this book five stars. Impr. 558 pgs, 165 Illus. 23 Maps, PB

SKU/ISBN: 9780895556929 Author: Rev. Fr. George Johnson, Ph.D. & Rev. Fr. Jerome D. Hannan, Ph.D., J.C.D. & Sr. M. Dominica, O.S.U., Ph.D. Publisher: St. Benedict Press / TAN Books
Bible History - A Textbook of the Old and New Testaments for Catholic Schools
$28.95 USD $26.05 USD

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