Cy Kellett | Paperback
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We’ve grown way too comfortable with the story of Jesus.

Nice man, right? Taught us to love one another. Said not to judge people. Tragically killed by his enemies. We celebrate his birthday every year.

It’s time to put away this small, safe version of Jesus, says Cy Kellett (host, Catholic Answers Live). Nobody that bland could have transformed the world as he did. In A Teacher of Strange Things, Cy presents Jesus Christ undiluted by sentiment or familiarity, with all his radical words and deeds uncensored.

Who was Jesus? What did he claim to be? Why did he captivate his followers and foes alike? Should we separate the “Jesus of history” from the “Jesus of faith”?

What did Jesus teach? Did he really say he’s the only way? When he commanded us to love and not to sin, what did that mean? Which doctrines did he take for granted and which did he turn upside-down?

Why do people still follow him? Where does Jesus still live and teach today? How does Jesus fit in a modern world moving away from God? Is it really possible to be friends with someone who died 2,000 years ago?  

Cy takes you on a journey of discovery through these questions and many more, helping you see with fresh eyes the once-familiar Jesus Christ. If you are a seeker, you will rethink everything you took for granted about him. If you are his follower, you will come to love him with new and greater zeal.

"Cy Kellett takes on one of the most difficult tasks for any author - introducing people to person and work of Jesus. In A Teacher of Strange Things, Kellett strikes a great balance between telling us about Jesus and allowing Jesus to introduce himself. Kellett focuses on the very points that the world increasingly and desperately needs to hear. A great book to give to searchers and cradle-Catholics alike!" - Gary Michuta, Author of Why Catholic Bibles are Bigger
“Cy Kellett’s book provides insights into the real Jesus—the Jesus we need, whether or not he is also the Jesus we happen to want. Since Christians should be interested in the real Jesus, Cy Kellett’s book is a ‘must-read’. It helps us avoid the trap of fashioning a Jesus in our image, rather than allowing him to reshape us.” - Mark Brumley, author of The Seven Deadly Sins of Apologetics
SKU/ISBN: 9781683572282 Author: Cy Kellett Publisher: Catholic Answers
A Teacher of Strange Things: Who Jesus Was, What He Taught, and Why People Still Follow Him
$17.95 USD $16.16 USD

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