Mike Aquilina | Hardcover
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“From the rising of the sun to its setting my name is great among the nations, and in every place incense is offered to my name, and a pure offering; for my name is great among the nations, says the Lord of hosts.”—Malachi 1:11

One Old Testament passage seized the imagination of the early Church—and directed Christian hearts and minds toward the Eucharist. It was the oracle of Malachi 1:11, and it was cited (like Isaiah’s Suffering Servant oracles) to prove the identity of the Messiah through His Church and His Sacrament.

In The Eucharist Foretold: The Lost Prophecy of Malachi, Mike Aquilina reveals that the Messiah’s true identity—and the identity of the Eucharist—helps us find our identity as “catholic,” and will lead us to discover our roots in the religion of ancient Israel. To the early Christians, Malachi’s oracle defined who they were individually and as a Church.


Mike Aquilina is executive vice-president of the St. Paul Center and a contributing editor for Angelus News. He is author of more than fifty books, including The Fathers of the Church and Villains of the Early Church.


“Mike Aquilina has an extraordinary gift for bringing the events and personalities of early Christianity alive.”
—Russell Shaw, Author of American Church and other books

“Thank you, Mike, for a new look at this forgotten prophecy from the Hebrew Bible that foretells the Eucharistic sacrifice of Christians.”
—John Michael Talbot, Founder, Spiritual Father and General Minister, The Brothers and Sisters of Charity, Little Portion Hermitage

“When it comes to expounding on the early Fathers of the Church, few can match the scholarly expertise, the literary flair, and the imaginative presentation of Mike Aquilina. The Lost Prophecy of Malachi is a perfect example.”
—Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM, Cap., Member of the Vatican’s International Theological Commission

“For those who hunger for Christ in the Holy Eucharist, who know as Pope Benedict taught that the Eucharist is the event at the center of absolutely everything, you have to read this book.”
—Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, J.C.D., Executive Director/CEO, Relevant Radio

“Mike does a masterful job of shedding light on one of the most mysterious and intriguing Eucharistic prophecies of the Old Testament. I was hooked from the first paragraph.”
—Matt Swaim, host of The SonRise Morning Show, EWTN Radio

SKU/ISBN: 9781645850038 Author: Mike Aquilina Publisher: Emmaus Road Publishing
The Eucharist Foretold: The Lost Prophecy of Malachi
2495 1497

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