Mary Grace Melcher, OCD | Paperback
4995 4495

Inspired by her daily contemplation and meditation on the Scriptures, Carmelite Sister Mary Grace Melcher offers this book of deeply meaningful prayers of the faithful for every day of the year. Cycles A, B, and C for Sundays and the two-year cycle for weekdays are all included. These beautiful intercessions echo the grace of the day indicated by the Scripture readings and have been prayed in her monastic community for years. Enrich your community's liturgy with these beautiful and inspiring intercessions.Mary Grace Melcher, OCD, is a cloistered Carmelite nun at the Carmelite Monastery of Terre Haute, Indiana. She has been a member there since1981.

SKU/ISBN: 9780814634813 Author: Mary Grace Melcher, OCD Publisher: Liturgical Press
Intercessions for Mass
4995 4495

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